Monday, May 3, 2010

How Many Carbon Credits Will This Cost?

According to Michelle Malkin's website, Al Gore has just purchased (another) mansion. No telling what the environmental impact is. And this is the guy that is constantly telling the rest of us how we should live.

Buffett Defends Goldman

We all know that Warren Buffett is a Democrat, and a big supporter of Barack Obama. It never made much sense to me why a free-market capitalist would embrace the economic philosophy of the left, but it seems to be more common than generally thought. Now that Buffett is witnessing the assault on the private sector by the current administration, he may be having some buyer's remorse. Of course, Goldman Sachs is just one in a long line of companies the President has demonized, but now that it affects Buffett's bank account, he is sitting up and taking notice. Others have legitimate concerns about this President's agenda:

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