Murdoch told William Shawcross, who authored a biography of Murdoch, that he considers himself a libertarian. " What does libertarian mean? As much individual responsibility as possible, as little government as possible", as few rules as possible. But I'm not saying it should be taken to the absolute limit." Murdoch rejects any suggestion that doing business with the Chinese communist regime2 contradicts his conservative political views.He said; "I don't think there are many communists left in China. There's a one-party state and there's a communist economy, which they are desperately trying to get out of and change. The real story there is an economic story, tied to the democratic story," he told Shawcross.
Murdoch believes the criticism of him in the UK is attributable to his success in breaking the Tag Heuer Replica Watches print unions and his success in establishing satellite broadcasting. " I'm a catalyst3 for change... You can't be an outsider and be successful over 30 years without leaving a certain amount of scar tissue around the place4," he told Shawcross. While many attribute Murdoch with the conservative political views of his news organisations, some writers argue this is a misunderstanding of Murdoch.
In March 2003, Speaking at the Milken Institute Global Conference, Murdoch backed Bush government plans to invade Iraq. "We worry about what people think about us too much in this country. We have an inferiority complex5, it seems," he said. "I think what's important is that the world respects us, much more important than they love us... There is going to be collateral6 damage. And if you really want to be brutal about it, better we get it done now than spread it over months," he said. In April 2004, days after major military clashes in Iraq, Murdoch whole heratedly backed the U. S. government policy and dismissed the magnitude of the ongoing guerilla7 war against coalition military forces.
"We have got to see the job through. And I think it is being misrepresented. There's tremendous progress in Iraq. All the kids are back at school - ten per cent more than when Saddam Hussein was there. There is one per cent more fresh water. There's... most of Iraq is doing extremely well," Murdoch said.
"There is one small part where the Sunnis" are, which were the people who supported Saddam Hussein, who are giving trouble, and more by, I think, giving cover9 to international terrorists and people from the Taliban10 and from Afghanistan coming in. And it's not - this is notable - they're not really trying to kill Americans even, they're trying to kill people, like, from the United Nations. Anyone who is trying to come in and help get their country going properly," he said.
Murdoch had no doubt that the war in Iraq would have no impact on Bush's e-lection prospects. "They're with him on that, completely." He's going to walk it in. n The economy is doing extremely well and, you know, there is an international crisis," he said.
The onetime13 producer of ABC's primetime news programs has accused the Fox News Channel of being a reflection of Rupert Murdoch's conservative print publications. In an interview Hublot Replica Watches appearing in Saturday's Los Angeles Times14, Av Westin, who is now the executive director of the National Television Academy, said that Murdoch's politics are even registered in "the uniform smirks15 and body language" of the Fox News reporters and that the owner's bias permeates16 the news "to an extent that isn't true anywhere else in American journalism. "
Westin was interviewed by the Timers in connection with last week's charges18 by a former Fox News producer that the staff of the news channel is under constant pressure to conform19 to the political views of Fox News Chairman Roger Ailes. Westin observed: "Roger runs the place with an iron hand, and he was put in place there by Murdoch, who selected him for his politics. "
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