Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Time to Stop the Rush for "Amnesty" Immigration Reform | The Heritage Foundation

In light of the furor over Arizona's attempt to take controls of it's borders, this article on The Heritage Foundation's site is particularly timely. Who would have ever thought that we would live in an age when whether or not enforcing our laws would be a controversial issue? Well, we have arrived at that point, folks, with the left describing illegals as "undocumented", and completely ignoring the fact that by their very presence on American soil, these people are breaking the law. This is not only a national security issue (although that is reason enough for enforcement). This is a question of whether our laws mean anything. The President, and other Democrats, are drastically misreading public sentiment on this issue. This goes back to my theory that liberals always over-reach when they get power. They see potential future voters here, and are willing to turn their backs on legal, law-abiding citizens in order to curry favor with those who are here illegally.

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