- After pledging during the campaign that he would not raise taxes on families earning less than $200,000.00 per year, President Obama now says "everything is on the table", and that when it comes to keeping his promise, he says he "won't play that game." So this is what is has come to. Keeping your promise is "playing the game." Get ready, people. When a Democrat says everything is on the table, they mean everything in your wallet. In addition to raising income taxes, there is serious thought being given to a Value Added Tax. What is that, you say? A value added tax slaps a tax on every process involved during the manufacture of a product that increases the value of that item. For instance, when GM makes a car, they obviously paint it before it leaves the plant. This adds value to the product (who wants to buy an unpainted car?), and that portion of the process would be taxed. Who knows how many processes would be interpreted as adding value in something as complex as an automobile, but you're probably getting the picture by now. And this is just one product. This type of tax is already popular in Europe, and other parts of the world liberals think are better than us (which is pretty much everywhere). The most insidious thing about the VAT is that it is invisible. Unlike a sales tax, which is itemized on your receipt, or an income tax that you see deducted from your paycheck, it would take a lot of research to find out what portion of the price of a product were actually tax. For liberals, this can only be described as analogous to the types of dreams teen age boys have. Increase taxes without people being able to tell, with higher taxes on those industries and products you deem undesirable. Incredible.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Obama Prepares the Path to Break Campaign Promise
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
News of the Weird: Loch Ness monster is real: former Scottish police chief - CSMonitor.com
This really offers no substantive proof, just interesting reading.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Nine Supreme Court justices? Why not stick with eight? / The Christian Science Monitor - CSMonitor.com
A quickie history of the Supreme Court. it's a little known fact that the Constitution mentions nothing about the number of justices to be on the court.
Time to Stop the Rush for "Amnesty" Immigration Reform | The Heritage Foundation
In light of the furor over Arizona's attempt to take controls of it's borders, this article on The Heritage Foundation's site is particularly timely. Who would have ever thought that we would live in an age when whether or not enforcing our laws would be a controversial issue? Well, we have arrived at that point, folks, with the left describing illegals as "undocumented", and completely ignoring the fact that by their very presence on American soil, these people are breaking the law. This is not only a national security issue (although that is reason enough for enforcement). This is a question of whether our laws mean anything. The President, and other Democrats, are drastically misreading public sentiment on this issue. This goes back to my theory that liberals always over-reach when they get power. They see potential future voters here, and are willing to turn their backs on legal, law-abiding citizens in order to curry favor with those who are here illegally.
bin Laden "Shocked" by US response after 9/11
If anyone doubts the importance of the U.S. projecting strength, and a willingness to use it, they should read this article fro WTOP in Washington. Osama bin Laden was clearly shocked when the U.S. retaliated for the September 11 attacks. If we had displayed such a willingness to protect our interests beforehand, perhaps the greatest tragedy to strike this country would never have happened. Instead of learning from this, the Obama Administration seems more intent on letting our enemies know we mean them no harm, and want to be their "friends". Most of us know what this stance leads to.
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